Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Functional Flexibilty. How Flexible must one be?


Flexibility tips you wouldn’t get from your yoga instructor
Mention flexibility and people immediately talk about ‘touching your toes’ or ‘doing the splits’.  Now I don’t dispute how great these things are but they should not be seen as the ‘be-all and end-all’ of flexibility and fitness; for how many dancers do you know are suffering from aches and pains yet they are some of society’s most flexible people. 

Do we need to touch our toes or do the splits?
Not necessarily.  In this blog we talk about functional fitness so let us talk about the splits; rarely during the day are we required to perform the splits so is there any point?  Having said that, it is still necessary to have a certain degree of flexibility in the groin area to perform acts like, well you know, use your imagination!!!  So stretching this area to get SUFFICIENTLY FLEXIBLE would be a requirement, that’s the key word. 


How about touching the toes?
A little more important as while it isn’t quite a daily life requirement with good and fluid lower extremity reach we have less need to round our backs so much when lifting.  So once again we simply work on getting enough flexibility to make our heavy lifting safer.

Is there such thing as tight shoulder?
Sort of.  While not quite a misnomer a more correct description would be ‘restriction in shoulder mobility’.  The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and the movement there is more multi-dimensional than anywhere else.  The overwhelming majority of western society have very poor external rotation at the shoulder joint simply because phones, computers and steering wheels always require our arms to be turned inwards.  The other mobility issue we tend to have is limited overhead reach.  Try to get in this position as a test.  Heels, back and shoulders against the wall then lift your arms and try to hit the wall behind you, WITHOUT ARCHING YOUR BACK.  If you can’t do this comfortably then every time you reach for that can of beans on the top shelf or reach for the support bars on a train you can potentially aggravate something in the lower or upper back, even somewhere in the shoulders. 
So here is my gift to you; perform this mobility exercise to help with all round shoulder mobility.  Lie on your side and place hips and knees at 90 degree angles.  Then straighten your top arms and make a circle with it, ideally by keeping fingers in contact with the floor at all times.  There is also a progression there to help you.  It’s an exercise performed by Olympic lifters (who are not body builders) showing that there is more to flexibility then what your yoga instructor teaches you.

Why are super-flexible people so flexible then?

To a certain extent there is just that notion we have of flexible and flexible people; they tend to be people that can lift their leg up very high and do the splits.  These people tend to only be flexible by virtue of their natural skeletal shape and the way they have trained through their lives giving their bodies a tolerance for excessive lengthening.  We perhaps can’t lengthen so much because our pain receptors kick in so early. It is also worth knowing that with so much movement, what the super-flexible might be lacking is the ability to control their movement which exposes them to risk of injury.  Moving on further, when we begin to envy such movement and try to overstretch to do the same what we may be creating is adaptive-lengthening around the joints which can have the detrimental effect of destabilising them.

I hope this has shown you that there is more to flexibility than meets the eye so don’t worry if you can’t do the splits and attach more importance to good movement, your ability to get down and up in the most fluid manner, or pick something off the floor in a very safe way.

Hopefully, the last paragraph made things a little clearer.  For more of an insight into functional flexibility refer to the Gray Institute. 

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